Spring Art Industries Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated on 28 December 1996 and named as Spring Art Marketing Sdn. Bhd. It changed its name from Spring Art Marketing Sdn Bhd to Spring Art Industries Sdn Bhd on 13 April 1999 and is located at Lot PLO 49 & PTD 2021 Jalan Rami 4 & 5, Kawasan Perindustrian Jorak 84300 Muar Johor. Spring Art Industries Sdn Bhd is an original design manufacturer (ODM) of ready-to-assemble furniture products. The products produced are products for the living room, bedroom and office. The company's products are exported to countries such as Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the United States and South Asia. In producing the finished product, several processes will go through such as cutting plywood material, punching holes, wrapping the edges, joining, packaging the product as well as machine maintenance work. While producing this finished product there are several processes that require the use of chemicals and in the end it produces Scheduled Waste. The resulting waste is excess glue containing organic solvents, empty cans contaminated with Scheduled Waste, scraps of cloth, contaminated Bags and Gloves, used Lubricating Oil and used Hydraulic Oil. This Scheduled Waste results from the processes in the production department during the production of finished products and also during maintenance work.
These Scheduled Wastes can be classified as Scheduled Wastes by referring to the SDS of the basic raw materials used and referring to the recommended disposal methods. Doubtful waste will be sent to a chemical laboratory to be tested for the validity of its content so that it is easy to determine the correct disposal. The Scheduled Waste produced during the production process of finished products and maintenance for the Spring Art Industries Sdn Bhd factory generally does not exceed 100 kg, but for the initial stage it exceeds the estimate due to the storage of previous waste. The waste classification and code are determined and referred to in the First Schedule (Regulation 2) of the Environmental Quality Act 1974. The resulting Scheduled Waste will be placed in a suitable and safe container as recommended by the Department of the Environment for liquids such as excess Glue, Lubricating Oil and Oil Used hydraulics will be put in a Bunghole Steel Drum or Carboy, for pieces of cloth, bags and gloves will be put in plastic and tied before being put in an Open Top Steel Drum, for small empty cans put in a Jumbo Bag. All of these containers will be placed on wooden pallets including large cans after being wrapped and labeled. In order to determine the correct label, the waste will be referred to through the SDS and also from the third Schedule (Regulation 2) of the Environmental Quality Act 1974. All of these Scheduled Wastes will then be weighed and collected in a special Scheduled Waste store built by the Spring Art Industries Company. Waste will be collected for no more than 180 days or before the weight exceeds 20 metric tons. The company has also appointed a contractor capable of transporting and transferring Scheduled Waste to a location or Storage Permit recognized by the Department of Environment, which is Syarikat Pentas Flora (M) Sdn Bhd. For now all Scheduled Waste is sent for disposal since Spring Art Industries has not yet found a suitable and licensed contractor capable of recycling.
Every month, the Scheduled Waste produced is collected and put in a container before being labeled and then weighed. The weight and type of Scheduled Waste data is recorded and stored manually and in the computer system for reference. Notification, Holding and Consignment Note information will be sent to the Environment Department through the eSWIS system.
Through the CePSWaM course attended, there are several changes that have been made and implemented at Spring Art Industries Sdn Bhd. Among the significant changes is the establishment of a committee that acts as a monitoring, implementation and enforcement group which will be involved in helping OYK to determine that the instructions from the Department of Environment in the management of Scheduled Waste at the factory are obeyed. In the past Scheduled Waste was not put in the correct container and was not recorded. There is even waste that is not disposed of properly and no specific contractor is appointed to transport and dispose of Scheduled Waste certified by the Department of Environment. Currently, the company only has two competent people who manage Filter Bags and Scheduled Waste. In the future the company is likely to send some more qualified workers if the company continues to grow. Some of the limitations or constraints faced at the moment are such as finding suitable contractors to recycle Scheduled Waste, finding suitable and quality raw materials that are environmentally friendly. In addition, the factor of lack of manpower is a challenge for OYK due to the existing essential works that are carried. However, due to the teamwork, the burden and responsibilities that are being carried for the time being have been lightened to some extent.